I haven't posted anything here for a while because I've been busy with developing a new version of CasualConc and preparing for the classes I start teaching next month.
In the last few months, I added a few new features and fixed bugs (mostly the ones I introduced when I added these new features).
Bug fixes
- searching multiple words/phrases in Word (wildcard) mode using a slash (/) matched words/phrases that included searched words/phrases
- keyword was not correctly colored in the context view when searched in the database mode with File as Scope of Context
- keyword was not colored correctly in the context view when used in the database mode (introduced with the above change)
- saved results did not display correctly
Feature additions
- added positions in a file as an sort option when File is selected as Scope of Context
File info
- added standardized TTR (TTR in every 1000 words)
Concordance Plot
- you can reflect the changes you made to Concord results
- able to export selected/all plots as a single PDF file.
If you find any other bugs or want to see some other features, please let me know. I'll try to fix bugs as soon as possible and I will try to add requested features as much as possible (unless they are technically too difficult).