Anyway, the current version is 1.0.2 and here's the list of bug fixes and added features.
CasualConc Version 1.0.2
Bug fix
- In Cluster, the same cluster was counted twice if a search word/phrase appears twice in a cluster (such as 'is that is')
- Related to the above one: in Cluster, if a search word appears twice in a cluster, only one word was colored
- In Cluster and Collocation with Lemma search is on, not all words with the same lemma appear in the list (right most column)
The bug in Cluster was a little serious. In the original script, clusters were collected on every search word. This means that if there is a sequence 'is that is' and you search 'is', 'is that is' was counted twice (once with the first 'is' and then with the second 'is' in the cluster). Now, when this happens duplicates are eliminated, so 'is that is' is counted only once. And because it was assumed the search word appears only once in a cluster, only one of them was colored. Now if there are two occurrence of the search word in a cluster, both should be colored.
The bug with Lemma is a minor one, which just means I don't expect many people use this function. When you run Cluster or Collocation with the Lemma feature on, CasualConc shows the frequencies of words in the same lemma (or clusters with them) on the very right column. But when Lemma contains only one word, it didn't display correctly. Now all the words should be displayed.
New features
- Concordance Plot -- you need to set 'Scope of Context' to 'File' and check 'Create Concordance Plot'
- Search word/context search word history
Concordance Plot shows where in a file the search word appears. The plots are generated when you run Concord with 'Scope of Context' set as 'File' and 'Create Concordance Plot' is checked in Preferences.
Another new feature is search word/context search word history. CasualConc remembers the words you searched in Concord/Cluster/Collocation and you can select one from the pull-down menu. You can set how many search/context search words to remember in Preferences (in General [Search Word] and Concord [Context Word]).
I hope these new features didn't introduce new bugs.
I also updated CasualTranscriber, a transcription helper application. Now it should run on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. I also fixed some bugs and added new features. It should be a little more stable.
The new/enhanced features are insert tag function and much more powerful regular expression search/replace.
To use tag function, go to Menu -> Window -> Tag Panel. Then enter tags under Tag. To insert a tag, type Command + Option + (the number on the left). So to insert the tag in 1, type Command + Option + 1. If Tag is laugh, the tag will be inserted as
If you don't want to type the combination, you can click a button to insert a tag. On the main window, you will see a button on the top right corner (the one to show tool bar on any Cocoa application). Click it to show an icon like a gear. Clicking the gear icon shows a drawer on the right. Click a button next to the tag you want to insert. You can change the tag on the drawer (the change will be reflected on the panel). But if you want to change the options, you need to do that on the panel.
I fixed some bugs, but I can't tell which ones. This is because so many things broke in Snow Leopard and I couldn't tell which bugs were in the previous version and which ones were due to change in the OS.
Anyway, if you try either of them and find any bug, please let me know.